The Whole School Transformation Programme (WSTP) is an extensively researched and systematic approach to improving the quality of School Processes in the areas of Teaching-Learning, Leadership, Governance and Administration.

SMF works with school stakeholders for a period of three years first by diagnosing the existing quality of school practices and then by co-creating a systematic work plan to achieve the targeted level of excellence.


To transform schools into Centres of Excellence for holistic development of children.


To empower teachers with the most effective practices in teaching and    learning and a commitment to self  development.

To foster proactive and democratic leadership for effective school ma- nagement through the participation                of every stakeholder.

To develop effective systems and  processes for continuous monitoring and evaluation of school quality.


The WSTP is essentially a developmental and sustainable programme that:


Whole School Transformation Programme is conducted by following these steps:



Our Reach In Andhra Pradesh

Schools: 10


Our Reach In Karnataka

Schools : 6


Our Reach In Madhya Pradesh

Schools : 3


Our Reach In Rajasthan

Schools : 6



SMF is committed to supporting schools achieve quality education and so our WSTP program is customizable to meet the needs of the schools and is offered in one of 3 modalities. The partner school indicates their potential level of engagement with SMF according to which a choice of modality is made.

1] SESQ Assessment and        Accreditation

This modality involves a comprehensive analysis of the existing school practices using the SESQ program and the schools   get accreditation accordingly.

2] Modular Format

This modality involves a comprehensive analysis of the existing school practices using the SESQ program and post getting an accreditation the school asks for specific workshops by SMF to build the capacity in the selected areas of growth.

3] Intensive/3-year Format

This modality involves a comprehensive analysis of the existing school practices using the SESQ program and post getting an accreditation SMF and partner schools collaboratively work on an action plan for the areas of development for the school spread over a period of 3 years.

1. School Quality Assessment through SESQ

The first step is to assess the existing practices in the school using ‘System for Enrichment of School Quality (SESQ)’, a school assessment program developed in-house by SMF. This is followed by sharing of the School Assessment Report (SAR) and Action Points Report with the school authorities. 

What is SESQ?

SMF-SESQ offers a comprehensive methodology of assessment of school quality with a distinct action-oriented report for every accredited school. It incorporates multi-level reporting and has been designed to keep costs and time at an optimum level.

The design follows the norms, standards and frameworks prescribed by Right To Education (RTE), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA) and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) while also adhering to state-board-specific requirements. SMF-SESQ is technically enhanced by several quality management principles adopted worldwide. Click here to know more about SESQ.

Collaborative Planning

This step involves defining priority areas to work on from those identified in the SAR and School Development Plan prepared by the School Heads. This process is spread over the next three years and is done with SMF’s support. 

This is followed by a signing of MoU between the School Heads or the governing body and SMF to run WSTP recommended programs in the school for a period of three years.

Capacity Building

Teaching-Learning and Leadership generally being high priority areas in the school processes, constitute the key components of WSTP’s capacity building process. Training is conducted biannually (at the beginning of the academic year and at the beginning of the second term). In addition to the trainings that are conducted, support is provided throughout the year on a regular basis through:

  1. Quarterly school visits for tracking the progress of school and providing support to various stakeholders during these visits.
  2. Regular conversations through Email and WhatsApp groups formed for this purpose.
  3. Sharing of electronic learning material/resources from time to time
  4. Helping the school monitor activities under WSTP through regular online and offline assessment and feedback to the school stakeholders.

Empowering the System

WSTP works with the aim of setting systems, processes and support mechanisms in a way that all stakeholders are empowered to regularly reflect on school practices, critically look at their own contribution and are committed/motivated to work towards a system of continual progress for themselves and their learners.

Impact Evaluation

The SESQ is used a second time to do a Post Intervention School Quality Assessment. This is done to evaluate the change in the quality of school processes after three years of intervention by SMF.